Sticky Gray Goo or Ray of Sunshine?

Just completing an early evening 5 mile walk, I was in a good mood and headed toward my car.

I was walking toward a woman, just exiting her car. She carried an apron as she walk away from her car, so I assume she was either starting her shift or returning from a break. There were now twenty paces between us. She was halfway to the restaurant. I was behind her, heading in the direction of the car she exited.

She clicked her car alarm. She took a couple steps. Another click of the alarm. Two more steps and she clicks it three times. It was if she were trying to make music.

I walk away wondering if she was sending an unnecessary message to the indistinguishable person approaching from behind in dark tights and dark layered workout shirts. It was a bit misty out, so I was also wearing a multi-colored pastel hat that did not match even a little. At a distance, I might have looked a bit off from center.  Still, I think hitting the alarm three times would have sufficed. OCD? Paranoia?

She's now inside and serving, assisting or waiting to clock in. I'm thirty paces beyond her car, beyond the alarm sounds. Still, I'm wondering. In fact, I'm so busy wondering what her problem was that I barely notice the two gentleman heading towards me. Their heading from the gym to their cars. One of them, the tall handsome one, says in a deep voice, "How's it going?" His friendliness shakes off the sticky gray goo energy from alarm girl. Rays of soul sunshine clear my aura and set me back to right as rain.

Sometimes, I've left sticky gray goo behind, too. Other times, pure energizing sunshine. What impact did you have today on strangers and loved ones?

See you on the path.